Known as Cairo Garbage City and is among the world's largest garbage districts, being home to 60,000 Zaballeen - garbage-collectors. These entrepreneurial garbage workers have achieved a remarkably efficient waste disposal system, recycling over 80% of the garbage collected daily, accounting to 3000 – 4000 tons. To further impress you, developed cities and multinational waste disposal corporations recycle only 20 - 30% of what they collect, leaving the rest to rot in giant landfills.
Their innovative recycling practices have intrigued people worldwide and Up-fuse is happy to be able to contribute!
Up-fuse gave many of the women from the district the opportunity to earn stable incomes through flexible working schedules that acknowledge their responsibilities as hardworking wives and mothers. After vocational training, these amazing women surprised us by their enthusiasm and artistic touches that are an Up-fuse signature in the material production phase, making The Garbage City in Cairo our hub for collecting, upcycling and storing raw and finished materials.